Why BX

Why join a trip with Bingham Expeditions?

“It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince.

Exploration worth your time.

Extensive Logistics

Meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of the travel industry, we expertly handle all aspects of your journey, ensuring seamless transitions from start to finish.


Luxury Accommodations

Indulge in a world of refined elegance and impeccable service as you immerse yourself in lavish surroundings meticulously crafted to exceed your expectations.


Qualified Ground Partners

Our qualified partners are carefully selected based on their expertise, reliability, and dedication to customer satisfaction.


Professional Local Guides

With their deep understanding of the culture, history, and hidden gems, they unveil captivating stories and provide insider insights that go beyond the guidebooks.


Hand Vetted Guests

We understand that the people you meet during your journey can greatly influence your overall travel experience. Our dedicated team goes the extra mile to ensure that every guest who joins our trips has been carefully selected, thoroughly reviewed, and personally approved.


Personalized Experiences

We believe that travel should be more than just visiting a destination; it should be an opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture, create lasting memories, and discover the hidden gems that make each place unique.


BX Films

Joining every Bingham Expedition journey is a dedicated small film crew, poised to capture and portray the immersive expedition experience. Committed to preserving the raw essence and breathtaking moments of each expedition, this team diligently captures the intricate tapestry of adventure, discovery, and natural wonder. Their lenses become conduits of storytelling, weaving together the sights, sounds, and emotions that unfold during these expeditions. From the rugged terrains to the intimate interactions with diverse cultures, the film crew meticulously crafts a visual narrative, aiming not just to document but to evoke the essence of exploration. Their passion lies in sharing these profound and captivating encounters with a wider audience, translating the essence of the Bingham Expeditions into an immersive and inspiring visual journe

Gear & more

When embarking on a Bingham Expedition, every participant is equipped with an exclusive array of essential gear, specialized apparel, and additional provisions. Each member receives meticulously curated gear tailored to the expedition. This carefully selected gear not only enhances the experience but also reflects Bingham Expedition’s commitment to providing participants with the tools necessary for an unforgettable and successful journey.
